Utah roads aren’t necessarily for the faint of heart, with massive rock formations, deep canyons, and vast mountain ranges everywhere you look. Talon Penrose, bus driver for Utah Transit Authority, is familiar with the ups and downs of driving in the great state of Utah.
Now that Penrose operates buses equipped with LiquidSprings Smart Suspension system, he knows he can continue to deliver a safe and comfortable ride, no matter where the roads take him. He says, “he was able to feel the difference on the rough stretches of road on his route.”
Passengers are Pleasantly Surprised by Bus Ride
When he first started driving a bus equipped with LiquidSpring, Penrose did a bit of an experiment with his passengers. He told them he didn’t know what was done to the bus but asked them to pay attention to their ride and report back. The passenger response was remarkable.
Penrose says, “One passenger with MS did notice the ride difference was considerably better than on previous days with other buses. The pain that this passenger felt during the ride was reduced by at least half. Multiple other passengers were able to tell him that they noticed the difference, too.”
He went on, “On certain stretches of rough road the suspension was able to remove the feeling of choppiness and provide a smoother ride.” He also said, “there was a particular spot on his route that made a noticeable slam on the bus and the suspension reduced that impact. Even the passengers took notice of this.”
Three Ride Settings, One Bus
With the LiquidSpring suspension system installed on their buses, the Utah Transit Authority is ready to take on all roads, no matter the landscape, weather, or traffic. The suspension system is built smarter than ever before, with driver and passenger comfort at the forefront of its design.
LiquidSpring automatically monitors and changes the spring stiffness and dampness on each individual wheel of the bus in response to the road and driving conditions at hand. When Penrose approaches the unpredictable back roads of Utah, he knows he can rely on his suspension system for a smooth and soft ride.
Part of the brains behind the system are the three different ride settings available for drivers. Penrose is no stranger to these and takes full advantage of his bus’s elite features. On his second day with his new bus, he says, “he tried the three ride settings and confirmed that there is a noticeable difference in each setting.”
While we are sure Talon Penrose can handle the rugged roads of Utah no problem, he can now drive with ease knowing that his passengers, even the ones with chronic medical conditions, can have a comfortable ride to their destination. With the transition to a bus equipped with the LiquidSpring suspension system, comfort will never be an issue again.